
《 Awesome People Hanging Out Together 》

學生時代的柯林頓與約翰.甘乃迪總統在白宮的會面、Jimi Hendrix 和 Eric Clapton 兩位吉他之神,最經典的應該是Steve Jobs 跟 Bill Gates,當時誰也沒想到日後兩人竟是商場上的死對頭。更多照片Awesome People Hanging Out Together

Lauren Bacall, Humphrey Bogart and Marilyn Monroe

The Beatles and Mohammad Ali

A young Bill Clinton meeting John F. Kennedy at the White House in 1963

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

Paul Newman and Clint Eastwood

Madonna, Sting and 2Pac

Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton

George Harrison and Bob Marley

Elizabeth Taylor & Princess Diana

Bruce Springsteen and Michael Jackson

Bob Dylan and Muhammad Ali

Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly

