在設計logo時,除了圖案之外,有時候也會直接選擇一組現成的字體來搭配,拿以下這些世界##ReadMore##知名的幾個logo來示範,左邊都是原版的logo設計,右邊則是搭配一組外型較相似的現有字體,讓你比較兩者的差異,以視覺美感與辨識度來說,確實設計者自己重新設計過的字型比直接選擇一組現成字體的好,這也是為何logo設計需要這麼況日費時的原因之一,你也可以將意見留言在 PIXELONOCOMICS。

Unilever recreated using Honey Script

Vogue recreated using Times New Roman

Puma recreated using Helvetica Neue Condensed Black

Audi recreated using Arial Black

Discovery recreated using Century Gothic Bold

Heineken recreated using Rockwell Bold

Coca-Cola recreated using Mistral

IBM recreated using Rockwell Bold

Swatch recreated using Helvetica Neue

Fedex recreated using Century Gothic Bold

Blackberry recreated using Arial Bold Italic
回覆刪除All the recreated versions have lost the spirit carried by the original logo, which makes them ordinary and visually less pleasing.
回覆刪除All the recreated versions have lost the spirit carried by the original logo, which makes them ordinary and visually less pleasing.