

ADC STUDIO is an independent, creatively driven design studio based in Taipei and Shanghai ; we creates strong and well relationships between well solutions and clients.
We produces a diverse range of projects across advertising, prints, brand identities, art directions, editorial, fashion, TV commercial, digital and web design.

ADC STUDIO have since worked with clients both large and small in Taiwan, China and overseas, we had more than 10 years experiences in luxury fashion and international cosmetics brand campaigns ; we understood how to communicate with clients and well knowledge of customers, marketing, corporate and the culture.
With passions for what we do, ADC Studio is the place to make dreams come true!

ADC STUDIO成立於2001年。創辦人Karen畢業於Australia Griffith University,Queensland College of Art,主修 Graphic Design,畢業後曾任職於新加坡與台灣的4A廣告公司。創意總監Marco曾任職於台灣電通、JWT台灣智威湯遜、聯廣等4A廣告公司。ADC STUDIO累積10幾年國際精品、零售業的行銷與設計經驗,了解品牌文化與消費族群的潛在心理。我們與客戶保持著長期的合作關係,並有著良好的互動與信任。2008年上海分公司成立,承接過許多國際精品與保養彩妝品的campaign,跨國團隊合作的經驗豐富。2009年網路數位部門也應運而生,更能幫助我們的客戶將行銷資源做更全面性且更有效率的整合。

